Azure Active Directory v2.0 tokens reference


Claims in ID tokens

Name Claim Example value Description
audience aud 6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e Identifies the intended recipient of the token. In ID tokens, the audience is your app’s Application ID, assigned to your app in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal. Your app should validate this value, and reject the token if the value does not match.
issuer iss Identifies the security token service (STS) that constructs and returns the token, and the Azure AD tenant in which the user was authenticated. Your app should validate the issuer claim to ensure that the token came from the v2.0 endpoint. It also should use the GUID portion of the claim to restrict the set of tenants that can sign in to the app. The GUID that indicates that the user is a consumer user from a Microsoft account is 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad.
issued at iat 1452285331 The time at which the token was issued, represented in epoch time.
expiration time exp 1452289231 The time at which the token becomes invalid, represented in epoch time. Your app should use this claim to verify the validity of the token lifetime.
not before nbf 1452285331 The time at which the token becomes valid, represented in epoch time. It is usually the same as the issuance time. Your app should use this claim to verify the validity of the token lifetime.
version ver 2.0 The version of the ID token, as defined by Azure AD. For the v2.0 endpoint, the value is 2.0.
tenant ID tid b9419818-09af-49c2-b0c3-653adc1f376e A GUID that represents the Azure AD tenant that the user is from. For work and school accounts, the GUID is the immutable tenant ID of the organization that the user belongs to. For personal accounts, the value is 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad. The profile scope is required in order to receive this claim.
code hash c_hash SGCPtt01wxwfgnYZy2VJtQ The code hash is included in ID tokens only when the ID token is issued with an OAuth 2.0 authorization code. It can be used to validate the authenticity of an authorization code. For details about performing this validation, see the OpenID Connect specification.
access token hash at_hash SGCPtt01wxwfgnYZy2VJtQ The access token hash is included in ID tokens only when the ID token is issued with an OAuth 2.0 access token. It can be used to validate the authenticity of an access token. For details about performing this validation, see the OpenID Connect specification.
nonce nonce 12345 The nonce is a strategy for mitigating token replay attacks. Your app can specify a nonce in an authorization request by using the nonce query parameter. The value you provide in the request is emitted in the ID token’s nonce claim, unmodified. Your app can verify the value against the value it specified on the request, which associates the app’s session with a specific ID token. Your app should perform this validation during the ID token validation process.
name name Babe Ruth The name claim provides a human-readable value that identifies the subject of the token. The value is not guaranteed to be unique, it is mutable, and it’s designed to be used only for display purposes. The profile scope is required in order to receive this claim.
email email [email protected] The primary email address associated with the user account, if one exists. Its value is mutable and might change over time. The email scope is required in order to receive this claim.
preferred username preferred_username [email protected] The primary username that represents the user in the v2.0 endpoint. It could be an email address, phone number, or a generic username without a specified format. Its value is mutable and might change over time. Since it is mutable, this value must not be used to make authorization decisions. The profile scope is required in order to receive this claim.
subject sub MF4f-ggWMEji12KynJUNQZphaUTvLcQug5jdF2nl01Q The principal about which the token asserts information, such as the user of an app. This value is immutable and cannot be reassigned or reused. It can be used to perform authorization checks safely, such as when the token is used to access a resource, and can be used as a key in database tables. Because the subject is always present in the tokens that Azure AD issues, we recommend using this value in a general-purpose authorization system. The subject is, however, a pairwise identifier – it is unique to a particular application ID. Therefore, if a single user signs into two different apps using two different client IDs, those apps will receive two different values for the subject claim. This may or may not be desired depending on your architecture and privacy requirements.
object ID oid a1dbdde8-e4f9-4571-ad93-3059e3750d23 The immutable identifier for an object in the Microsoft identity system, in this case, a user account. It can also be used to perform authorization checks safely and as a key in database tables. This ID uniquely identifies the user across applications – two different applications signing in the same user will receive the same value in the oid claim. This means that it can be used when making queries to Microsoft online services, such as the Microsoft Graph. The Microsoft Graph will return this ID as the id property for a given user account. Because the oid allows multiple apps to correlate users, the profile scope is required in order to receive this claim. Note that if a single user exists in multiple tenants, the user will contain a different object ID in each tenant – they are considered different accounts, even though the user logs into each account with the same credentials.

Access tokens

The v2.0 endpoint allows third party apps that are registered with Azure AD to issue access tokens for secured resources such as Web APIs. For more information about setting up an application to issue access tokens, please see How to register an app with the v2.0 endpoint. Upon registering the application with the v2.0 endpoint, the developer can specify levels of access, called scopes, for which access tokens may be issued. For example, the scope defined in the Microsoft Graph API grants permission to read the user’s calendar. When your application receives an access token from the v2.0 endpoint, you must validate the token’s signature, issuer, audience, expiration time and any other claims depending on your scenario.

When you request an access token from the v2.0 endpoint, the v2.0 endpoint also returns metadata about the access token for your app to use. This information includes the expiry time of the access token and the scopes for which it is valid. Your app uses this metadata to perform intelligent caching of access tokens without having to parse open the access token itself.

Refresh tokens

Refresh tokens are security tokens that your app can use to get new access tokens in an OAuth 2.0 flow. Your app can use refresh tokens to achieve long-term access to resources on behalf of a user without requiring interaction with the user.

Refresh tokens are multi-resource. A refresh token received during a token request for one resource can be redeemed for access tokens to a completely different resource.

To receive a refresh in a token response, your app must request and be granted the offline_access scope. To learn more about the offline_access scope, see the consent and scopes article.

Refresh tokens are, and always will be, completely opaque to your app. They are issued by the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint and can only be inspected and interpreted by the v2.0 endpoint. They are long-lived, but your app should not be written to expect that a refresh token will last for any period of time. Refresh tokens can be invalidated at any moment for various reasons – for details, see token revocation. The only way for your app to know if a refresh token is valid is to attempt to redeem it by making a token request to the v2.0 endpoint.

When you redeem a refresh token for a new access token (and if your app had been granted the offline_access scope), you receive a new refresh token in the token response. Save the newly issued refresh token, to replace the one you used in the request. This guarantees that your refresh tokens remain valid for as long as possible.

Validating tokens

Currently, the only token validation your apps should need to perform is validating ID tokens. To validate an ID token, your app should validate both the ID token’s signature and the claims in the ID token.

Microsoft provides libraries and code samples that show you how to easily handle token validation. In the next sections, we describe the underlying process. Several third-party open-source libraries also are available for JWT validation. There’s at least one library option for almost every platform and language.

Validate the signature

A JWT contains three segments, which are separated by the . character. The first segment is known as the header, the second segment is the body, and the third segment is the signature. The signature segment can be used to validate the authenticity of the ID token so that it can be trusted by your app.

ID tokens are signed by using industry-standard asymmetric encryption algorithms, such as RSA 256. The header of the ID token has information about the key and encryption method used to sign the token. For example:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY"

The alg claim indicates the algorithm that was used to sign the token. The kid claim indicates the public key that was used to sign the token.

At any time, the v2.0 endpoint might sign an ID token by using any one of a specific set of public-private key pairs. The v2.0 endpoint periodically rotates the possible set of keys, so your app should be written to handle those key changes automatically. A reasonable frequency to check for updates to the public keys used by the v2.0 endpoint is every 24 hours.

You can acquire the signing key data that you need to validate the signature by using the OpenID Connect metadata document located at:


Try the URL in a browser!

This metadata document is a JSON object that has several useful pieces of information, such as the location of the various endpoints required for OpenID Connect authentication. The document also includes a jwks_uri, which gives the location of the set of public keys used to sign tokens. The JSON document located at the jwks_uri has all the public key information that is currently in use. Your app can use the kid claim in the JWT header to select which public key in this document has been used to sign a token. It then performs signature validation by using the correct public key and the indicated algorithm.

Performing signature validation is outside the scope of this document. Many open-source libraries are available to help you with this.

Validate the claims

When your app receives an ID token upon user sign-in, it should also perform a few checks against the claims in the ID token. These include but are not limited to:

  • audience claim, to verify that the ID token was intended to be given to your app
  • not before and expiration time claims, to verify that the ID token has not expired
  • issuer claim, to verify that the token was issued to your app by the v2.0 endpoint
  • nonce, as a token replay attack mitigation

For a full list of claim validations that your app should perform, see the OpenID Connect specification.

Details of the expected values for these claims are included in the ID tokens section.

Token lifetimes

We provide the following token lifetimes for your information only. The information might help you as you develop and debug apps. Your apps should not be written to expect any of these lifetimes to remain constant. Token lifetimes can and will change at any time.

Token Lifetime Description
ID tokens (work or school accounts) 1 hour ID tokens typically are valid for 1 hour. Your web app can use this same lifetime to maintain its own session with the user (recommended), or you can choose a completely different session lifetime. If your app needs to get a new ID token, it needs to make a new sign-in request to the v2.0 authorize endpoint. If the user has a valid browser session with the v2.0 endpoint, the user might not be required to enter their credentials again.
ID tokens (personal accounts) 24 hours ID tokens for personal accounts typically are valid for 24 hours. Your web app can use this same lifetime to maintain its own session with the user (recommended), or you can choose a completely different session lifetime. If your app needs to get a new ID token, it needs to make a new sign-in request to the v2.0 authorize endpoint. If the user has a valid browser session with the v2.0 endpoint, the user might not be required to enter their credentials again.
Access tokens (work or school accounts) 1 hour Indicated in token responses as part of the token metadata.
Access tokens (personal accounts) 1 hour Indicated in token responses as part of the token metadata. Access tokens that are issued on behalf of personal accounts can be configured for a different lifetime, but 1 hour is typical.
Refresh tokens (work or school account) Up to 14 days A single refresh token is valid for a maximum of 14 days. However, the refresh token might become invalid at any time for various reasons, so your app should continue to try to use a refresh token until it fails, or until your app replaces it with a new refresh token. A refresh token also becomes invalid if it has been 90 days since the user has entered their credentials.
Refresh tokens (personal accounts) Up to 1 year A single refresh token is valid for a maximum of 1 year. However, the refresh token might become invalid at any time for various reasons, so your app should continue to try to use a refresh token until it fails.
Authorization codes (work or school accounts) 10 minutes Authorization codes are purposely short-lived, and should be immediately redeemed for access tokens and refresh tokens when the tokens are received.
Authorization codes (personal accounts) 5 minutes Authorization codes are purposely short-lived, and should be immediately redeemed for access tokens and refresh tokens when the tokens are received. Authorization codes that are issued on behalf of personal accounts are for one-time use.