Azure PowerShell Modules | PowerShell Gallery

PowerShell Modules | PowerShellGet

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Few of the modules – Azure | AzureRM | AzureAD | AzureADPreview | MSonline | AADRM | AzureInformationProtection  | RMSProtection

Azure Active Directory PowerShell V2 Cmdlets

Azure Active Directory PowerShell (Azure AD) is a module IT Pros commonly use to manage their Azure Active Directory. The cmdlets in the Azure AD module enable you to retrieve data from the directory, create new objects in the directory, update existing objects, remove objects, as well as configure the directory and its features.+

There are two versions of the Azure AD PowerShell module. The earlier version, the MSOnline module, implemented core functionality and you can still use this module today. The newer AzureAD V2 module implements the Graph API in PowerShell and provides access to newer functionality. +

If you are developing new PowerShell scripts with Azure AD cmdlets we advise you to use the newer Azure Active Directory PowerShell V2 cmdlets. We will begin deprecating the older MSOnline module when all of the functionality of that module has been migrated to the newer AzureAD module.+

Please refer to the below detailed description of the modules for a full list of cmdlets and functionality.+

Module Description
AzureAD Azure Active Directory PowerShell v2
MSOnline Azure Active Directory PowerShell v1


Install Azure AD PowerShell V2 module —————>Two Modules AzureAD and AzureADPreview


Install the Msonline Module


Install AADRM


$env:ProgramFiles(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell