Azure QuickStart Templates for Azure Government

With the release of Azure Resource Manager on Microsoft Azure Government (MAG), users are now able to provision and deploy applications using declarative templates.  A full listing of publicly contributed templates can be found at .

How to use QuickStart Templates in MAG

Many of the contributed templates in our Github repo will work on MAG without modification.  Deploy options are described below.

Templates that don’t follow the best practices outlined in our Github repo typically won’t run for a couple reasons.

Hardcoded namespace for storage

MAG uses different endpoints for services like storage.  If the template hardcodes for say an OSdisk, the template will fail on MAG.  Instead, templates should reference the namespace like:

“osDisk”: {“name”: “osdisk”,”vhd”: {“uri”: “[concat(reference(concat(‘Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/’,variables(‘storageAccountName’)), ‘2015-06-15’).primaryEndpoints.blob, variables(‘vmStorageAccountContainerName’),


Hardcoded locations in template outside of MAG

Our best practices state “Do not use a parameter to specify the location. Use the location property of the resourceGroup instead. By using the resourceGroup().location expression for all your resources, the resources in the template will automatically be deployed in the same location as the resource group.”

If you see US East or other commercial regions hardcoded in a template, you can either modify them with the MAG region you want to use or update the template to follow the best practices.

See Best Practices Guide for more information.

Ways to Deploy

Use the “Deploy to Azure” link

Many template will have a “Deploy to Azure” button that allows one-click deployment to Azure commercial.  You can re-direct this to MAG by following these simple steps

  1. Right-click the button and select copy link
  2. Paste link into your browser but don’t click enter yet
  3. Go to the beginning of the URL and change to
  4. Click Enter


Once you are logged into MAG, you can deploy templates using the commercial documentation.

Copy and Paste into Portal

Browse to MAG portal, and follow the commercial documentation.

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