Tutorial: Azure Active Directory integration with ServiceNow



To configure Azure AD integration with ServiceNow, you need the following items:

  • An Azure AD subscription
  • For ServiceNow, an instance or tenant of ServiceNow, Calgary version or higher
  • For ServiceNow Express, an instance of ServiceNow Express, Helsinki version or higher
  • The ServiceNow tenant must have the Multiple Provider Single Sign On Plugin enabled. This can be done by submitting a service request.
  • For automatic configuration, enable the multi-provider plugin for ServiceNow.

To test the steps in this tutorial, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Do not use your production environment, unless it is necessary.
  • If you don’t have an Azure AD trial environment, you can get a one-month trial.

Scenario description

In this tutorial, you test Azure AD single sign-on in a test environment. The scenario outlined in this tutorial consists of two main building blocks:

  1. Adding ServiceNow from the gallery
  2. Configuring and testing Azure AD single sign-on
